My name is Vijay Balaji Madheswaran and this is my blog

I have a passion for Tech, Productivity, Motorcycles, Health & Fitness, Watches, Food, Travel & Philosophy.

I am a data scientist and marketer with over 13 years of experience. And in my free time, I read about anything and everything, trying to distil the learnings, testing & applying the ones that work for me. All in an effort to live my life to the fullest and this blog’s purpose is to share those with you, so that you can live your life better.

I have travelled widely, managing a successful career, battled through health challenges, and learned essential life skills through all of this.

I hope you find some of the information I offer here useful and more importantly able to apply it to your own life.

If you have any questions, please get in touch. I’m more than happy to share thoughts, ideas or even coach or mentor.